Who we are

I thought I’d use this first blog post to tell you a little bit more about who we are — about our core beliefs.

Founding Principles

I founded this company in part on the principles adopted from my tenure as President of the Rotary Club of Palau. Rotary International emphasizes the concept of “Service Above Self”, in all the things we do. This resonates with me as a civil engineer’s duties are to provide designs for facilities serving the public.


Another guiding principle from Rotary I’ve embraced is the simple exercise called the “4-Way Test”. It goes something like this:

In all things we think, say or do, we should strive to pass the 4-Way Test –

  1. Is it the Truth?
  2. Is it Fair to All Concerned?
  3. Does it Build Goodwill and Better Friendships?
  4. Is it Beneficial to All Concerned?

In conjunction with these founding principles, Island Life Engineering (ISLE) follows the example of island communities throughout the Pacific. This examples is that all members of an island community contribute to the well-being of that community as a whole – we all rely on each other to do their part. This is the concept of “it takes a village….to raise a child”. ISLE operates as a community citizen, a corporate citizen, contributing in many ways to the betterment of the communities we serve.

Core Values

Unquestioned Integrity – unwavering openness, honesty, fairness and moral strength

Unblemished Reputation – proven track record of consistent performance as verified by the clients and communities served

Depth of Knowledge –  demonstrated understanding of technical principles and methods necessary to perform the needed services

High Quality – accurate, complete, and effective services

Consistent Reliability – consistency in quality, timeliness and cost effectiveness of services provided.

Effective Efficiency – performance of services on time and within budget

Comforting Trust – assurance of services performed with integrity, quality and reliability

Sincere Empathy – connection with and understanding of clients’ and communities’ needs and goals

email us: info [at] islandlifeengineering [dot] com